One of my nephews turned two a few weeks ago. He loves Elmo (or "Melmo" as he calls him) so I decided to make him some Elmo cake pops to celebrate.
I followed the basic instructions from the amazing Bakerella's post here but slightly changed things up a bit.
For the eyes instead of the white candy that she used I found candy googly eyes from Wilton at Bulk Barn, you can also purchase them here.
For the nose Bakerella used a whole orange jelly bean. I found it easier to cut the jelly bean in half lengthwise creating a flat and sticky surface to stick the nose on with. If you are going to make these at home make sure to buy smaller jelly beans (like Jelly Belly).
For the fur, Bakerella used a method of using a toothpick to paint the fur on using the candy melts. I found it a little less time consuming to use red sprinkles for the fur. I used the same method and order as Bakerella but when she painted I sprinkled the pops with the sprinkles.
A few days after my nephews birthday I got a call from a friend of my sister-in-law's who asked me if I could make some Elmo cake pops for birthday party she was throwing for her daughters. As well as Elmo she wanted some Cookie Monster pops as well. The method for Cookie Monster was the same, but he didn't have a nose and I used half of a mini chocolate chip cookie instead of the mouth.
Here is how everything turned out:
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